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Home > Default > How do I delete my account?
How do I delete my account?
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To delete all information linked to you in all our apps and services, go to the account settings in any Turborilla game. Tap the “Delete Account” button and follow the instructions. Your information will be scheduled for deletion within two weeks. Some information may persist in backup copies for up to 90 days but will not be generally available to other users or visitors of the services.


If you have connected your Facebook account, or any other social media accounts, to your account in our apps, then you can delete this connection from the account settings in our apps. You can also send a request to delete your account to [email protected]. Include your in-game username, and we will reply with more instructions. Our support staff will guide you and delete the data for you, including any social media connections. You do not need to install any of our apps to have your data deleted.


Information deleted includes:

  • username
  • all connections from all games to social media accounts
  • all email addresses, social media account names, real name, and other account info shared
  • profile picture from all games and server databases


Some communications made in any communication features, which might have been shared with other users (for example sending personal messages to another user) may remain even if you delete your account. Leaderboard scores, tracks, and other data created in the games will also remain. This data will be anonymized when your account is deleted.


How do I delete some of my data but keep my account?

Contact [email protected] if you wish to delete only parts of your data. For example, if you only want your profile picture or a specific social media connection deleted. Our support staff will guide you or delete the data for you. You do not need to install any of our apps to do so.


If you signed up for our newsletter and do not want emails from us, please send an email to [email protected], and we will remove your address from our records.

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