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How do I cancel a track-pack subscription?

To cancel an iOS track-pack subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap on iTunes & App Store.
  3. Tap on your Apple ID at the top.
  4. Choose View Apple ID from the popup menu.
  5. Enter your password if/when prompted and tap on OK.
  6. Tap on Subscriptions.
  7. Tap on the Mad Skills Motocross 2 subscription.
  8. Tap on "Cancel Subscription" at the bottom. 
  9. Tap "Confirm".

To cancel an Android track-pack subscription, use one of the following:

  • On Android, open the Google Play Store, then tap Menu > Subscriptions. 
  • On a computer, go to, then in the left menu click My  subscriptions. 
  • On either Android or a computer, use the URL to open your list  of subscriptions. 

You  will get to keep all tracks you've downloaded during your subscription period.

  • 38
  • 23-Oct-2018