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Home > Mad Skills Motocross 3 > General > My Turborilla account is synced with Twitter but I don't see a Twitter option in MSM3
My Turborilla account is synced with Twitter but I don't see a Twitter option in MSM3
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If your Turborilla account from MSM2 was synced with Twitter you will need to sync it with either Sign in with Apple or Google Play in order to carry that account over to MSM3.


Here are the steps you need to take: 

  1. Open Mad Skills Motocross 2
  2. Tap settings cog in top right
  3. Tap the globe icon
  4.  Select Sign in with Apple on iOS or Google Play on Android 
  5. Complete sign in process
  6. Open up Mad Skills Motocross 3
  7. Hit login on the top left
  8. Login with the same Sign in with Apple or Google Play account you used in step 4. 


Now you should have the same account across both games. If that doesn't work for you just contact us for further assistance. 

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